Yan Hui was Confucius's favorite disciple who likes to learn, good nature. On a day when Yan Hui was on duty, he saw a fabric store was surrounded by many people. He approached and found that buyers and sellers of cloth were arguing.
Purchaser shouted: "3x8 = 23, why did you say 24?
"Yan Hui fabric buyers approached and said:" My friend, 3x8 = 24, do not argue anymore ".
Fabric buyers are not happy and pointed nose and Yan Hui said: "Who asked your opinion? If not ask for opinions to be asked to Confucius. Right or wrong is right Confucius say".
Yan Hui: "Well, if Confucius says you're wrong, how?"
Fabric buyers: "If Confucius say I was wrong, I cut my head for you. If you are wrong, how?"
Yan Hui: "If I was wrong, my position for you".
Both agreed to a bet, then went looking for Confucius. After sitting out the problem Confucius, Confucius said:
to Yan Hui said, laughing: "3x8 = 23. Yan Hui, you lose. Give your job to him." Yan Hui forever will not argue with the teacher. When he heard Confucius say he is wrong, then he lowered his cap to the buyer gave the cloth.
The man took his hat and passed Yan Hui with satisfaction. Although Yan Hui received his assessment of Confucius but did not agree. He was Confucius's old and senile that he does not want to learn from him. Yan Hui asked for leave of absence for reasons the family business. Confucius knew Yan Hui's heart and gave him leave. Before leaving, Yan Hui and Confucius asked him goodbye quickly returned after the business was complete, and Hui Yan gave two advice: "When the heavy rains, do not take shelter under a tree. And do not kill."
Yan Hui said okay and went home.
On the way sudden strong winds accompanied by lightning, seemed to have come down heavy rain. Yan Hui wanted to take shelter under a tree but suddenly remembered the advice of Confucius and the liver thought to obey the teacher said once again. He left the tree. Not long ago he left, lightning struck and destroyed the tree. Yan Hui surprise, the first teacher's advice has proven.
Am I going to kill someone? Yan Hui arrived at home late at night and did not want to disturb her sleep. He used his sword to open the room. Arriving in front of the bed, he felt and found no one on the left side of the bed and another on the right side. He was very angry, and wanted his sword. At the time of going to thrust his sword, he remembered advice of Confucius, do not kill. He then lit candles and turned out that his wife was sleeping beside his wife's brother.
On the next day, Yan Hui returned to Confucius, knelt and said: "Teacher, how teachers know what will happen?"
Confucius said: "Yesterday is extremely hot days, is expected to rain lightning, so the teachers tell you to not take refuge under a tree. You go with anger yesterday and carried a sword, then warn teachers not to kill".
Yan Hui said: "Teacher, you expect great, students are very impressed."
Confucius said: "I know you asked for leave of absence is not due to family matters. You do not want to learn more from me. Try you think. Yesterday teachers say 3x8 = 23 is correct, you lose and lose your job. But if the teacher says 3x8 = 24 is correct, then the buyer loses the cloth and that means lives will be lost 1. Do you think your job is more important or lose 1 life is more important? "
Yan Hui was aware of his mistake and said: "Teachers are more concerned with the main, students actually think teachers are old and senile. Disciples really embarrassed."
Since then, wherever Confucius went Yan Hui is always followed.
This story reminds us:
Even if I bet and win the whole world, but I lost you, whatever that means.
In other words, you bet to win what you think is the truth, but instead lost something more important.
Many things there are levels of importance. Do not bet because of the death to the principles of truth, but ended up sorry, never mind too late.
Many things really do not need to stake. Step back, instead obtained a good for everybody.
Insisting against customers. We won, but really lost too.
Insisting against superiors. We won, but really lost too.
Insisted against her husband. We won, but really lost too.
Insisting against friends. We won, but it also loses
Victory is not about the medal, but first is the triumph of the self and more important victory in the liver.
(Source from Bungacerita)
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