Photo source: www.fiqhislam.com |
Aarif Zarif is the name of Islam today. Australian man who was raised in a family that decided to embrace Christianity to Islam because it was so impressed by Islam teaches tolerance toward other faiths.
He first learned about Islam as a teenager while visiting Morocco and the Granada district of a city in Andalusia, Spain. In Morocco, Aarif was amazed at the art of Islamic cultures and share the atmosphere of Islamic culture in everyday life the country's population. In Alhambra, he watched the scene of Moorish architecture in the form of plantations in the underneath which rivers flow. The sight of him touched and amazed. At first childhood, prefer Aarif swinging church bell rope, yelling Tarzan imitation rather than join a church choir practice. He always had a reason to avoid the Lord and did not participate in church services. But in one morning, 16 years later, for some reason he decided to go to church. A few months later, he was like really become a Christian and a few years later he enrolled in a college major in Tabor to achieve a degree in Bible.
It was there that he began to discover that rumors had been circulating among Christians, which he sometimes abusive and he does not believe the information she had heard correctly. But the information he had also heard from the suppliers of books to the store he managed. "History of Christianity into opening my eyes that what happened during and after the Crusades really bothering the adherents of this religion," he said.
A few years later, began to leave Aarif formal worship because he did not agree with the doctrine that puts God in a framework that is limited by the definitions. He is also considered more inclined Christian organization and self-assertive politically, than as a representative of a religion. He finally decided to get out of the Christian religion.
A few years after that, Aarif had lived some time in Jeddah and Riyadh for a company working on the project investment. Despite never been to church again, he still has confidence in the Christian religion and want to know more about Islam. He wanted to know the difference between Christianity and Islam.
One day, Aarif went to an Islamic bookstore near his hotel stay and buy a few books on Islamic literature. "Then I asked my guide for the Saudis, or the name Mahmoud Muhammad, I forgot, where I can get the Quran," recalls Aarif. Guide provides recommendations Quran translations are good and the night began reading Aarif and pray that provide guidance to him while reading the translation of the Qur'an. The first verses which he read was about the scribes, Christians and Jews, which became part of God's people. The verses that opened his eyes to a religion that teaches tolerance and even of belief to the contrary.
Seven years later Aarif met a Muslim from Indonesia. They exchanged letters and discussions via the Internet. "At that moment, I look more into Islam, and what that might mean for me personally I then visited Indonesia; we met again and talk about the future. I propose to her and she accepted," said Aarif.
He then taking care of official documents to get married in Australia. At that time Aarif not convert to Islam, but he had great respect for his wife conviction. Until at some point he felt the difference of religion does not make a good marriage.
"I think and reflect. Ask lots of questions and prayed for months until I feel peace in my heart about the way I was going to take," said Aarif.
"Really, there's no reason for me to not embrace Islam. I admit I'm not the typical person who diligently worship, but I think that laziness can be removed by the will and determination," he continued.
I was committed and started to learn the prayer. I then went to a mosque in Perth, talk with the priest there and say the creed at the mosque. "Although I have converted to Islam a few years, I am still in the learning stage and I enjoy the learning process," he said. (ln / readislam)
Source : eramuslim.com