The real history begins when the Pharaoh was still in power in Egypt thousands of years before Christ. When that Egypt is known to have imported a number of commodities from the south, including Barus chalk from the city of Barus on the east coast of Sumatra. Barus chalk is one of the main ingredient for embalming the Egyptian kings and nobles at the time. Robert Dick-Read, in The Phantom Voyagers: Evidence of Indonesian Settlement in Africa in Ancient Times (2005), written when other Barus chalk, Egypt also imported incense, ebony, ivory, incense, electrum (a natural mixture of gold and silver), and so forth from the East Indian region, especially Indonesia.
Before the ruling Pharaoh Cheops, the Pharaoh of Egypt to import these materials from the "behind the rising sun", which brought down the Red Sea and across the hot desert sun, with a carried human or camel-headed central government or regional warehouses. Travel in the desert this is what often takes victims, both crude and energy costs to the kingdom. It is certainly frustrating the Egyptian authorities. Finally they decided to make a long spatula which connects the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea and building a strong navy.
The Egyptians had long known as a nation that long cruise control techniques. Nancy Jenkins in The Boat Beneath the Pyramid (1970) writes, in an archaeological dig in the desert near Cairo, discovered a sea shipwrecks dibenam in one particular tomb beneath a pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops. Pharaoh lived more than six centuries before the throne of Pharaoh Sesostris. The ship was broken intentionally fragmented and intelligent to be approximately 1200 pieces and placed inside a large tomb. In the dry desert conditions and vacuum, the pieces of the ship remained intact when found after buried for more than five hundred years empatribu.
When the pieces of the ship was built back by a team of experts, formed a lovely seuah ship 141 feet long, with a 19 foot long beams made of wooden planks cedar of Lebanon. Wooden blocks measuring about 70 feet combined with beautiful by using halfa grass.
The ships of the Egyptians at that time was passing the Suez Canal, both the Lebanese and the Red Sea to the south. For several centuries after the end of Sesostris government, Indus culture began deteriorating. And the Suez Canal which was then known as Pharaoh Canal was abandoned. Canal was finally closed neglected and sand, so the historical record since there was no interaction between the Mediterranean with the Indian Ocean until a thousand years later.
But Sesostris had pioneered the idea is not forgotten; when Pharaoh Necho (power in the 6th century BC) leading the Phoenician fleet to sail around Africa, he was getting ready to rebuild a new canal from the branch of the Nile Pelusian to the Bitter Lakes, this giant project reportedly took 100,000 lives. The project was continued by Darius I of the River Nile to the Red Sea, in 521 BC to 485 BC. When the canal was closed again by natural sedimentation, covered with sand and soil, a few years later opened again by the people of Athens; and two centuries later by Ptolemy Philadelphus.
Robert Dick-Read notes, the Roman government did not mengrus canal well so close. It was not until the late 1st century AD, the Empire Trajan kemblai canal opened and managed by Hadrian and the Antonines until the end of the 2nd century AD Redupnya Roman rule around Egypt made canal covered with sand again until the early light of Islam shone on the peninsula Arabia reopened the canal to facilitate delivery of grain from Egypt to Mecca.
But in the 8th century AD, Al-Mansur ordered that the canal was closed for security reasons, preventing threats from the east. Suez Canal or the Suez Pharaoh was also deliberately closed for centuries, until the advent of Ferdinand de Lesseps.
Suez Canal in Arabic is called al-Suways Qana, which was in the western Sinai Peninsula. This canal approximately 163 kilometers long, linking Port Said on the Mediterranean with Suez on the Red Sea.
On November 17, 1869, a French engineer who had long lived in Egypt called the Vicomte de Lesseps Ferdinand reopened the ancient canal after studying the history of transportation and trade routes between ancient Egypt to the southern regions. Previously, the ships from Europe who wanted to Asia from Egypt to the African continent first round and was clearly takes energy and cost is not small. Some are doing the same thing done the kings of Egypt before the canal was built, namely the empty boat and took his belongings through the desert between the Mediterranean and Red Sea.
For his services to reopen the Suez Canal, Ferdinand de Lesseps revered as a hero by the Europeans. French government bestowed him with the highest kehormtan him as a member of the Académie Française.
For nearly twelve years of De Lesseps enjoy a delicious life and a great name. But in the age of 73 years, he was appointed to head the construction of the Panama Canal. After 10 years of doing this project was not finished eating when the death toll was approximately 22,000 workers and also the cost of not a few. Year 1888 Panama Canal project leader de Lesseps declared failed. De Lesseps was dragged to court for allegedly embezzled funds and sentenced to prison project 5 years.
De Lesseps through the rest of his life during the next 6 years on the chaise. All the passion and mentally disturbed vanished. There's one unique thing at once sad, since out of jail, he only wanted to read a newspaper which was published before the year 1888, the year the Panama Canal project is stopped. This she did until she died on December 7, 1894.
Now, the world record as the De Lesseps great builder of the Suez Canal. This is really not appropriate, because the Pharaoh was actually the first to build the canal. [] (Ridyasmara)